Outline of IEEE ICEI 2017 is as following:
Day | 9:00AM - 12:00AM | 1:30PM - 5:10PM | 6:00PM - 8:30PM |
17 Apr | Sign up | Reception | |
18 Apr | Keynote Speech | Regular Session | |
19 Apr | Regular Session & Workshop | Workshop | |
20 Apr | Regular Session | Workshop | Banquet |
21 Apr | Regular Session & Workshop | Workshop |
- Smart Energy Cyber-Physical Systems: Big Data Analytics and Cyber Security
Shiyan Hu, Michigan Technological University, USA
Abstract:A smart energy cyber-physical system is characterized by the interactions among the sensing devices and the physical energy system. Big data analytics techniques can be leveraged to improve the situational awareness of the energy system. However, how to decide whether the sensor data are trustworthy and how to assess the system state even if those data contain uncertainties are quite challenging. In this talk, I will describe a systematic framework, which is based on partially observable Markov decision process, orthogonal matching pursuit, and empirical mode decomposition, to detect anomaly energy usage behavior through analyzing the massive smart meter data in a community. I will also discuss how this framework can be used for detecting smart grid cyber attacks such as energy theft. I will conclude the talk with some of the ongoing research in this topic.
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Professor Shiyan Hu is the Director of Center for Cyber-Physical Systems at Michigan Tech., and he also held Visiting Professorship at Stanford University from 2015 to 2016. His research interests include Smart Energy Cyber-Physical Systems, Cyber Security, and Big Data Analytics where he has published more than 100 refereed papers. Prof. Hu is an ACM Distinguished Speaker, an IEEE Systems Council Distinguished Lecturer, an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, an invited participant for U.S. National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, a recipient of ACM SIGDA Richard Newton DAC Scholarship, and a recipient of National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. His research was highlighted as a Keynote Paper in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design and as the Front Cover in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, also featured in various public media such as National Science Foundation News Headlines, Science Daily, CBS, IEEE Spectrum, and Communications of ACM. Prof. Hu is the Chair for IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems. He is the Editor-In-Chief of IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. He is also a Guest Editor for 7 IEEE/ACM journals such as Proceedings of the IEEE (PIEEE) and IEEE Transactions on Computers. He has held chair positions in various IEEE/ACM conferences. He is a Fellow of IET. |
- Energy Internet and Integrated Planning of Electricity and Natural Gas Systems
Zhaohong BIE, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University
Abstract:All over the world, Energy Internet has emerged as a new trend that promises to transform the future energy system. Numerous researches have been devoted to the study of the Energy Internet. On the aspect of energy transmission, the power network and the natural gas network are the main transmission elements in the Energy Internet, and are coupled through gas-fired units. Under this background, the integrated panning of the two systems would have potential economic as well as environmental benefits, and this topic has received increasing attentions in recent years. However, the major difficulty of electricity and natural gas systems planning method lies in the modeling of the natural gas system, which is a non-linear nonconvex model, in contrary to the linear DC power flow model used for the power network. We propose anincremental piecewise linear method to convert the originalmodel into a large-scale mixed-integer linear optimizationproblem, allowing the use of sophisticated mathematicaloptimization method to quickly obtain the optimal solution. Finally, the proposed method can get the installation capacity,location and time for the candidate generating units,transmission lines and gas pipelines. The proposed planning method can reach a trade-off between the modeling precision and the computational burden, and laid the foundation for the future research on stochastic co-optimization of natural gas network and electricity network and the risk evaluation.
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Prof. Bie received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Shandong University, Jinan, China in 1992 and 1994 respectively, and PhD degrees from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China in 1998. Currently she is a professor of School of Electrical Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University.She worked as Postgraduate researcher from 2003 to 2004 in Brunel University in the UK and visited Illinois Institute of Technology as SeniorVisiting Scholar in the US in 2014. Her research interests include power system reliability evaluation, integration of renewable energy, microgrids, and Cyber-Physical Energy System. She is the principal investigator of the National Key Research Programs of China in 2016 on Energy Internet. From 2013 till now Prof. Bie acts as a convener to IEC TC8/WG7, which focus on the construction of international standards on microgrids. |
- The Evolution of Information Technology and its Impact on Real-life Applications
Fulu LI, Tsinghua University, China
In this talk, we will touch on the evolution of information technology and its great impact on a wide range of real-life applications. From Albert Einstein 's evaluation on the development of western science to the creation of information theory and the founding of digital communication by late MIT professor Claude Shannon, from the father of computer science Alan M. Turing to the creation of World Wide Web by this year's Turing award winner MIT professor Tim Bernard-Lee, from the birth of artificial intelligence in 1956 to the frantic resurgence of deep learning at virtually every corner of the world, we dwell on the great impact and the rich implications of information technology in a variety of areas. Through the analysis of some real-life examples of ubiquitous sensing, image processing and community coding, we are readily embracing the ups and downs of the technology wave, which are already the fabrics of people 's daily lives.
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Dr Fulu Li got his PhD from the Media Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT), USA, and he has played key roles in the development of some widely-adopted database systems in leading high-tech companies in Silicon Valley, USA, with eleven awarded US patents in a wide range of areas such as Bayesian networks, distributed resource management, information coding, etc. that are widely cited by more than 200 US patents from IBM, Cisco, Intel, etc. Dr Fulu Li is the author of more than 50 technical papers that appeared in leading international conferences, journals and books. Dr Fulu Li has been awarded the best paper award at IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium for excellence in applied research. Dr Fulu Li is currently an adjunct researcher at the Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University. |
- Energy Internet Demonstration Engineering and Applications
Organizer: Technical Committee on Energy Internet, China Energy Research Society
Contact: Dunnan Liu, North China Electric Power University, China
There will be national demonstration engineering projects in China in multiple areas related to Energy Internet, e.g. multi-energy complementation, Internet + smart energy, industrial power demand-side management, market trading for distributed generation, incremental power distribution networks, etc. In this workshop, we will invite experts and practitioners from these projects for demonstration engineering and applications to exchange their thoughts and experiences.
- Modeling, Control and Optimization of Energy Internet
Organizer: Technical Committee on Energy Internet, Chinese Association of Automation
Contact: Qiuye Sun, Northeastern University, China
Establishing low-carbon, efficient, safe and sustainable energy utilization mode
to meet national economic and social development and environmental requirements is an important issue
that should be solved urgently in China. From the perspective of energy source import, it's imperative
to develop from traditional single energy structure to multi-energy structure containing a variety of energy structures.
However, development of multi-energy system is facing unprecedented challenges that mainly stemming from increasing physical entities
inside multi-energy system, addition of multi-energy transmission media and improvement inpermeability of renewable energy sources
as well as utilization of many cyber-physical fusion technology. Consequently, resulted problems like more sophisticated system variables,
more modals, stronger composition, higher dimension of schedule optimization, increasing network hidden security troubles
as well as stronger discontinuity and uncertainty, etc., enhance difficulties in modelling and optimizing control on multi-energy system,
restrict development of multi-energy system and bring a challenge to the existing advanced control theory.
Energy Internet as a multi-energy system with the largest coverage reflects features like non-linearity,
random, multi-source big data and multi-scale dynamic, etc. A research emphasis and difficulty problem in Energy Internet
is how to realize partial and global stability as well as optimum regulation of Energy Internet under acertain goal constraint
through proposing effective and reasonable intelligent control methods.
Now, it is absolutely required for making a significant breakthrough on modeling and optimization control technology
under the background of Energy Internet, so as to use new theory, new method and new technology to solve the present problems.
Of which, problems like Energy Internet modeling and related Internet communication technology and system safety analysis,
energy optimization of Energy Internet, control theory research on energy optimization, conversion and configuration,
fault diagnosis and self-cure control research on Energy Internet, basic equipment research and hardware design on
Energy Internet and new market trade mechanism and bidding strategy research, etc. are expected to become the research highlights.
Discussion and research on these problems can play an important role in impelling settlement of the emphases and difficulties
mentioned above in the field of Energy Internet. Thus, this workshop aims at timely dissemination of research in these areas.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
● Architecture and basic theory of Energy Internet
● Planning, designing and operation of Energy Internet
● Trading patterns and market mechanism researchof Energy Internet
● Intelligent control and optimization and its application case study in Energy Internet
● System security analysis, fault detection and information security
● Information collection, transmission, analysis and its communication technology
● Important infrastructure development and related hardware design
● Energy routers and energy hubs
● Energy management and control of multi-energy flow
● Energy quality and reliability of multi-energy flow
● Load forecasting model and demand response
● High-penetration renewable energies (especially the distributed generation)
- Advanced Wireless Communication and Networking for Energy Internet
Organizer: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Contact: Zhaoming Lu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
While traditional automation of the power grid makes use of wireline communications (copper, fiber),
Energy Internet requires wide-area coverage with flexible and cost-efficient communications networks.
Therefore, wireless communication and networking technologies will play an increasingly important role in future deployment scenarios.
The investigated options range from 5G networks over satellite systems to wireless mesh networks.
Particular challenges for wireless communication options include availability (with coverage down to the basement),
real-time capabilities (for incident mitigation), resilience (after black-outs, against jamming, etc.)
and security (cyber-attacks). In the light of these recent developments,
this workshop will focus on the following subjects of interest, as well as related issues:
● Architecture, performance and network planning of wireless networks for Energy Internet
● Resilient and low-latency wireless communication for Energy Internet
● Wireless networks for distributed generations
● Comparison of networking options for Smart Grids: e.g. wireline vs. wireless, mesh vs. cellular, satellite vs. terrestrial
● Energy Internet protocols (e.g. SCADA, WAMPAC) adapted to wireless networks
● Energy Internet specific wireless communication traffic models and channel models
● Low latency and high reliability technologies (e.g. M2M control and communications, mobile edge computing) in 5G
● New communication protocols and the exploitation of NFV/SDN for better communication and networking
● LPWAN communication and networking technologies (e.g. LoRa, Sigfox)
● Security and privacy concerns in wireless communication and networking for Energy Internet
- Space Energy Internet
Organizer: China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
Contact: Chunfeng Wang, Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation,
China and Fulu Li, Tsinghua University, China
In this workshop, we invite experts and practitioners from both academia and industry in the areas of Space Energy Internet
to have extensive and in-depth discussions on the technical challenges and great opportunities on the road ahead
toward efficient implementation of such a complex system for Space Energy Internet.
We go through potentially disruptive technical innovations in the areas:
● Energy harvesting in space
● Emerging coding techniques that are suited for both information and energy data
● Renewable energy in space
● Intelligent Energy Internet diagnosis in space
● Energy transfer using wireless technologies
● Distributed energy storage in space
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such an exploration on Space Energy Internet has been presented.
We hope that the discussions at this workshop by experts in the related fields yield a thorough,
insightful and comprehensive blueprint for the development of Space Energy Internet for years ahead.
At the end of this workshop, we will publish a formal Whitepaper on Space Energy Internet,
in order to guide the development of this brand-new paradigm, which is essential for the peaceful and efficient usage
of energy in space as well as the corresponding technologies.
- Energy Internet Key Technologies & Business Models
Organizer: China Smart Power Technology Alliance & Beijing Smart China Energy Internet Research Institute
Contact: Shouzhen Zhu, Tsinghua University, China
With announcement of National Demonstration Projects on Energy Internet by National Energy Administration, many projects will be launched in a couple of years on districted Energy Internet. This forum brings experts from different areas to address issues on project engineering, including application development and key technologies, e.g. multi-energy flow simulation, flexible DC networks, information and communication, energy management, energy trading, etc.